Our Pastoral Work

The pastoral work of Koinonia John the Baptist emerges from the three aspects of our spirituality - KeKaKo (Kerygma – Karisma – Koinonia):
The first pillar is direct kerygmatic preaching and the formation of evangelisers in schools of evangelisation. The second pillar is the promotion of meetings of evangelisation and the formation of members of familial communities to perform various ministries of a charismatic character. The third pillar is focussed on building communities, living in an atmosphere of friendship and encountering the Risen Christ, in prayer and in mutual sharing of life.
Every Koinonia pastoral activity is actively inserted into the local ecclesiastical structures, bringing its own contribution to the realisation of individual pastoral plans.
A House of Prayer is an evangelisation activity structured as a weekly evangelisation meeting based on prayer and testimony and directed at those who are far away from the faith; it is organised in a private house and is led by a member of the community.
A Familial Community brings regional members together for monthly meetings and promotes the spiritual growth of these members through times of community and sharing in prayer, teachings, intercession and fraternal love. This monthly meeting is called an Agapito, which refers to the relationships of friendship that are at the heart of being Koinonia.
Koinonia Day is a monthly meeting of all local community members who meet to grow in spiritual life, in sharing and in evangelisation.
The various ministerial activities are occasional works of an evangelising and formative nature of common interest, such as meetings of evangelisation, training and growth; meetings specifically geared towards children, youth, couples and consecrated members. It includes other categories and special ministries for both community members and for various ecclesial realities who ask for help, as well as evangelisation activities geared exclusively for abroad.