"Camparmò will be my house of prayer": already in 1978 the Lord inspired these words and actually from that first house about 1000 have arisen all over the world.
The house of prayer is an evangelizing activity, structured in small weekly evangelization meetings, based on prayer and testimony, addressed to those far from the faith, organized in private homes and animated by the members of the community.
It is called a fishing net because it is addressed to those who are far away, those who have no experience of the living Christ, who are immersed in their difficulties and who live around us. The aim is to stir up and revive faith in Christ alive, to teach to pray and to begin to know the Bible; all in a community and family context. The Houses of Prayer are the strength of testimony and evangelization of the Koinonia.
Each House of Prayer is run by a member of the Koinonia. He or she once a week coordinates a prayer meeting in his/her house so structured: welcome of those who arrive, announcement of Jesus for the new, prayer of spontaneous praise, simple and with songs, reading and reflection on a biblical passage, intercession and then brief sharing accompanied by a coffee or something else.
In the territory of Pretoria there are 15 houses of prayer.
If you want to attend a House of Prayer near you, do not hesitate to contact us!