Pastoral activities
Our Lady of Lourdes is the Cathedral Church of the Dioceses of Umzimkulu, which is under our cherished Bishop Stanislaw Jan Dziuba.
Our Pastor Fr. Michael Wojciechowski together with the consecrated brothers and sisters is responsible for the work of Koinonia John the Baptist in South Africa and Zimbabwe, as well as for Consecrated Life Community.
He is the Rector of the Cathedral church and so we are all involve in the parish work covering various ministries and services typical
to the work of a parish.

Cardinal Leo Josef Suenens officially introduced the distinction between the Church ecclesia ad intra and the Church ecclesia ad extra, with the former relating to the internal workings of the Church and the latter, applying to the Church’s connection with the external world. As the charisma of Koinonia is the New Evangelisation; we like to think about crossing the boundaries of our own worlds; parishes, societies, comfort zones, natural environments of friends, cultures, languages to arrive with the Good News of the Risen Christ to every human heart. This is the very expression of the universality of the Church, the beauty of unity in variety, communion within diversities; possible only because of the unifying power of Christ and His Holy Spirit.
We are having regular evangelising activities in UMzimkhulu, Durban and Pretoria as well as giving various pastoral services wherever we’re invited to including Zimbabwe, Uganda, Botswana and Congo.
Our central activity are Houses of Prayer – meetings in the private houses where members of a family pray together, read the Word of God and evangelise people invited to their Houses for Prayer. It’s a marvellous way to become witnesses of the Risen Lord creating a condition where ordinary people in ordinary circumstance can have an extraordinary meeting with the Risen Lord. We witnessed so many miracles of conversion through Houses of Prayer!
Another important tool in our evangelisation work is the School of Evangelisation – a set of course to evangelise, form witnesses and leaders. The activity of the School helps us to grow in our experience of the Lord and knowledge of the Word of God and the Magisterium of the Church.